
Maner Protocol



  • •In recent years a significant reassessment of the nature and causes of cancer has taken place. Cancer was formerly believed to be a localized disease, characterized by a lesion, usually in the form of a growth, which appeared at some specific part of the body. This localized lesion was thought to be the result of activity produced by an invading virus, carcinogenic agent, or some form of blunt force trauma. 


  • •Today, there is a growing conviction among researchers and physicians that cancer is a complex disease that is the end result of a disturbed metabolism (body chemistry). It is an insidious disease that involves the entire body; the nervous system, digestive track, pancreas, lungs, excretory organs, endocrine system and the entire defense mechanism. The frequent reoccurrence of a malignancy after treatment with the conventional methods of surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy, results because the basic underlying metabolic cause of the cancer is rarely considered and consequently remains uncorrected.

Cancer Etiology

  • •If the immune system, however, is weakened from poor nutrition, excessive environmental pollutants or a continuing debilitating stress, the cancer cells are uninhibited and will multiply rapidly forming the symptomatic growth of cancer.


  • •Our immune system generally weakens with advancing age. This increases the possibility of degenerative metabolic diseases occurring.


  • •One of the primary objectives of all metabolic therapy is to revitalize the body’s immune system, to restore it to a fully functional condition. Accomplishment of this goal permits the immune system to eliminate or otherwise negate the cancer cells before they can begin an invasive growth.


  • •Metabolic physicians and researchers believe that we can remain healthy if we supply the individual cells of the body with the proper amounts of oxygen, nutrients, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and other essential nutrients from both our diet and nutritional supplements. Of equal importance is the ability of the body to eliminate the waste products of cellular metabolism through proper bowel movements, efficient breathing, normal excretion, etc.  


  • •Treatments must be provided which will help the body detoxify itself by eliminating harmful pollutants.


  • •This, in essence, is the heart of metabolic therapy. It is a multi-faceted program incorporating numerous related elements, each of which plays an important role in the success of the complete therapy.

Administration of Amygdalin

I.-    Slow Drip Infusion.   The most efficacious mode of administration is through the slow-drip infusion technique which was developed at the Manner Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico.  It became apparent that the breakdown of amygdalin and its subsequent detoxification was very rapid. If it were to be administered over a longer period of time, this could be overcome. In addition, the amygdalin must pass through many biological membranes in order to reach its site of action. This can be accomplished by combining the amygdalin with Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Finally, as vitamin C is known to slow the growth of tumors, it is added to allow the amygdalin and the rest of the metabolic therapy more time to work.


  • •The following formula was developed:

       a). - 250 cc  5% Dextrose solution or saline water.

       b). - 25 grams Vitamin C

       C). - 10 cc  DMSO (99% surgical grade)

      d) 6 a 9 gramos de amygdalin injectable solution



      The amygdalin should be added just prior to injection to insure maximum potency.

      This complete infusion is administered intravenously over a 2 to 3 hour period.


            More rapid administration can result in a localized burning sensation due to the large amounts of Vitamin C. This infusion is administered daily over the first 21 days of metabolic therapy.



Clinical Factors that
determine dosage adjustment


  • •During the course of treatment with amygdalin it is sometimes advisable to alter the dosage. The sense of well-being of a patient is probably the best practical guide in deciding whether or not a change in dosage is indicated. This subjective “good” feeling is influenced by the patients’ ability to dispose of the toxic products that result from tumor breakdown and in the overall condition of the organ systems of the body.


  • •When drainage from a cancer area is inadequate, or detoxification and excretion are impaired, the toxins released by lysed cancer cells may cause an occasional episode of weakness, dizziness, increased body temperature or other symptoms of toxemia such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and mental confusion. Such toxemia is usually temporary, lasting from a few hours to one day, and subsides as detoxification and elimination adjust to the rate of tumor breakdown. In the event the symptoms persist the patient’s dosage level should be decreased. Once the toxemia abates, the dosage should be increased.


  • •In cases in which extensive radiation has taken place, or chemotherapeutic drugs have been used, the toxic effects of those treatments may mask the evidence of toxemis from cancer cell destruction.


  • •The destruction of the cancerous process in leukemia with amygdalin does not lead immediately to a reduction in quantity or quality of circulating “leukemia” cells. In fact, there may be an initial, although moderate, increase. The best criterion for adequate dosage is the patient’s sense of well being over a period of many months and possibly years. During this time frame the gradual decrease of circulating white cells may be followed clinically.









Cytopharma de México SA
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